About Yoga

What and Why Yoga?

The meaning of Yoga?
Yoga means connection, harmony.

What is Yoga?
Yoga is an ancient training system from India that has been developed over centuries.


The system can help someone:

  • Bring Harmonization to life
  • Re-awakening dormant qualities, unification with your true Self and cosmic consciousness 


Six paths of Yoga

1. Hatha Yoga
Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breathing exercises) and relaxation. Optimized with a healthy lifestyle through intake of Sattvic food and practise of physical exercises, there are fewer illusions about the physical body, an important basis for spiritual growth.

2. Raja Yoga
Techniques of mental training and meditation, how to control the mind with affirmations, introspection, visualizations, awareness.

3. Kundalini Yoga
Yoga of energy. It describes the astral body with chakras (energy points) and nadis (energy channels). It increases life force and opens chakras. Naad Yoga, practicing music from a Yogic approach also belongs to Kundalini Yoga.

4. Karma Yoga
Yoga of action to understand life, selfless service, transcending the limitations of the ego, feeling one with all beings.

5. Jnana Yoga
Yoga of knowledge, the Philosophical element, Who am I? Reincarnation, meditation to experience the truth within yourself.

6. Bhakti Yoga
Yoga of devotion and love for God. It also includes prayers, Mantras and rituals.